Contact Details

Kimberley (Head Office)

Tel: 053 841 0935/6
Fax: 053 841 0497

VOIP: 087 310 7670

S 28° 42.717
E 24° 46.606

24 Hendrik van Eck Street, Kimdustria, Kimberley, 8301

P.O. Box 562, Kimberly, 8300


Tel: 011 552 5948 / 49
Fax: 011 552 5999

VOIP: 087 310 7672

S 26° 05.430'
E 028° 15.631'

7 Tugela Road, Pomona, Kempton Park, 1620

P.O. Box 10519, Ashton Manor, Kempton Park, 1630


Tel: 031 700 3319

Fax: 031 700 3249

VOIP: 087 310 7673

S 29°.823612
E 30°.817591

15 Mahogony Road, Mahogony Ridge Westmead, Durban, 3629

Cape Town

Tel: 021 865 2062

VOIP: 087 310 7674

S 33°.876282
E 18°.776501

Portion 16 of Farm Welgelegen no 211
Stellenbosch Road, ou Bottelary Road M23


Mobile: 082 377 2417

Mobile: 082 608 9065

S 29°.15233
E 26°.215607

3 Hoop Street, de Hoek, Ferreira Hoewe, Bloemfontein, 9300

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Directions To Kimberley Branch

From Johannesburg

Drive past Shell Ultra City on left
1st road left (Hendrik van der Bijl)
1st road left (Hendrick van Eck)
Drive 600m on right nr 24

From Kimberley

Take N12 / Transvalia road to JHB
Past Isuzu Dealership
Over Bridge
Past Macsteel on right
Exit 1st right (Hendrik van der Bijl)
Exit 1st left (Hendrik van Eck)
Drive 600m, on right no 24

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